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How to Embed Podkite’s Podcast Player into a Website

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Jalal Fathi
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Ultimately, you want people to subscribe to your podcast on a listening app like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Overcast, etc. so that they get notified about new episodes – This will in a long run increase your download numbers.

However, your website is a valuable piece of the puzzle – especially when it comes to converting web traffic to podcast subscribers. Here is where Podkite’s web podcast player shows its real muscles. 💪🏽

1. Add the embed script

This needs to be done only once. If you have not done it already: How to add the Podkite embed script

2. Place the player tag

Everywhere where you want the web player to show up, insert the HTML <podkite-player> tag. This can be for example in the middle of a blog post, on a landing page, or on an episode page.

HTML code:

<podkite-player kitelink="pk-news-rode"></podkite-player>

shows this player:

The specified kitelink attribute “pk-news-rode” is the key of the Kitelink created for a specific episode. https://kite.link/pk-news-rode

Alternative to 1) & 2): iFrame

For Wix, Squarespace, and similar website builders, it may be more convenient to use iFrames instead of the faster and more modern custom element tag mentioned in 2).

Available options can be added as query parameters to the src URL of the iFrame. For example, you’d need to add &theme=light to the iFrame URL in order to get the player in a light theme.

<iframe src="https://embed.podkite.com/v1/?kitelink=pk-news-rode&compact" width="800" height="260" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>

Don’t forget to replace “pk-news-rode” with your Kitelink.

Available Options

track-downloadsTracks download numbers and shows it in your dashboard.
theme=”light”Shows the player with a white background in a minimalistic style.
utm-campaign=”my-campaign”Sets the utm_campaign value of all links.
Available player tag options
<podkite-player kitelink="pk-news-rode" theme="light" utm-campaign="podkite-blog-post-embed-player" track-downloads></podkite-player>

The above HTML code results in the below player:

Ready to embed the web player on your own website?

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