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3 Publicity Myths That Keep Podcasters From Growing

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Relinde Moors
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As a podcast host, you’re always looking for ways to grow your audience. You create compelling content, and you want your ideal listeners to know about it, right!?

It can feel like a real uphill battle sometimes, especially since there are so many podcasts out there to compete with, and more and more people are starting new podcasts every day. 

Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, daily Instagram Stories, Webinars, and Ads are all ways to promote business and your podcast. And they are important. 

But if you want to reach tens of thousands, or even millions of people, it isn’t enough. 

That’s where Publicity comes in. 

Publicity is a true Needle Mover. One good story idea turned into an article that gets published in the right outlet for your audience can make a huge impact. 

It helps to position you as the ultimate expert; it gives you credibility and can give you hundreds or thousands of new subscribers within a short amount of time. 

What is Publicity?

Publicity is the opportunity for your unique message to be seen by the masses. 

This includes traditional media like magazines, TV, and newspapers — and it also includes new media like websites, podcasts (!), and influencer platforms.

Nowadays, it is easier than ever to get Publicity. Even if you’re just starting out, or you don’t have a large following yet. 

Yet, I see many people, even content creators like Podcast hosts, struggling with it. 

Here are the common myths about getting Media Coverage to grow your podcast:

#1 I’m not ready for Publicity 

I hear this one a lot! In fact, until recently, I thought this to be true.. until I saw other coaches in my industry with less social media followers to get featured in places like Forbes and Entrepreneur! It busted the belief that ‘I wasn’t ready’ for once and all. Now I have my publications in Business Insider, Entrepreneur and Thrive Global and I’ve been a guest on multiple podcasts. 

So your first step is to shift your mind to know that you are ready for Publicity right now. 

It really helped me get clear on my expert topics – the topics I really want to be known for and to get clear on the media outlets I want to be featured in. 

Once you have that clarity, you’re more than ready to start pitching. 

My friend and mentor Selena Soo offers a unique free resource on amplifying your publicity goals and feeling confident and secure on how to do it – you can get her free videos & media calendar right here.

#2 I have to pay an expert to get me Publicity, and I don’t want to invest at this point

Nope, not at all! With all the online platforms, outlets and channels, it has become easier than ever to get published. The media used to be this ‘secret society’ that only featured a select group of people -and it was tough to get in – the doors for anyone who wants to get seen and known are open! 

It would be a waste to not benefit from this incredible moment in time and discover the simple steps that will empower you to pitch and land your dream media coverage. 

#3 It will cost me tons of time to write articles, and what if I get rejected anyway?

This was a big one for me in the beginning! The good news is… for most outlets, you don’t need to write articles when you pitch. You instead pitch an IDEA for an article! 

This makes it doable to have multiple articles at multiple outlets ‘in the pipeline’, with a minimum amount of time spent. 

Only when your article idea is accepted, you take the time to write the full piece and send it to your editor. 

Easy right??

Oh and as a Podcast host, you have one really big advantage: you will never be out of story ideas. 

Your podcast is a wealth of ideas in itself!

You can repurpose your Podcast Content in guest blog articles, being a guest on other people’s podcasts, in print magazines, or even a Ted Talk!

Ready to start pitching?

Watch here: my interview with Selena Soo. Watch this 8-min jam-packed video to learn more about her unique approach to publicity, and implement it right away.

Short Interview With Selena Soo on Publicity

Related Article: How to Get More Listeners and Grow Your Podcast

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