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How to share a specific timestamp of a podcast episode

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Jalal Fathi
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Sharing a specific timestamp of a podcast episode can be a great way to refer friends or colleagues of your listeners to a particularly interesting or relevant part of the episode. It’s easy to do, and can save the person you’re sharing with time by allowing them to go directly to the part of the episode that you think they’ll find most interesting.

How to share a specific timestamp of a podcast episode?

To share a specific timestamp of a podcast episode, start by listening to the episode and taking note of the time at which the part you want to share begins. For example, if the part you want to share begins at the 23 minute and 45 second mark, make a note of that time.

Next, share a link to the episode with the person you want to share it with, along with the timestamp. Some podcast players, such as Spotify, allow you to specify a timestamp in the form of “?t=seconds” in the link. For example, if the episode’s link is https://open.spotify.com/episode/24GvJqPbc7MEi7JqN2IBJb, you could share the link https://open.spotify.com/episode/24GvJqPbc7MEi7JqN2IBJb?t=1450 to share the timestamp of 23 minutes and 45 seconds.

When the person clicks on the link, their podcast player should automatically start playing the episode at the specified timestamp, allowing them to listen to the part you want to share without having to manually find it within the episode.

How to offer a seamless sharing experience to your audience?

Kitelinks offers this out-of-the-box. A Kitelink visitor can start listening on the web player and then seemingly continue e.g. on Spotify (or any other supported listening app) right where they left off. So when you share a Kitelink like “https://kite.link/pk-ted-climate-mindset?t=600” the integrated web player starts playing at minute 10. When they listen until minute 15 directly on the Kitelink and then click on “Spotify”, they can seamlessly continue on Spotify with their listening experience at minute 15+. See the docs.

Sharing a specific timestamp of a podcast episode is a simple and effective way to refer someone to a specific part of an episode. It can save them time and help them get the most out of the episode you’re sharing with them.

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